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New Free Trial Offer for All myCaribou Users

New pricing & subscription tiers

Standard plans starting as low as $49/month!  Sign up with a paid plan by July 31st to receive an additional 20% discount. 

New company profiles, contact data and enhanced search tools

Our company database of over 44,000 medtech companies now includes contact information such as emails, phone numbers LinkedIn and other social channels.

*For existing users, your new free trial will automatically start when you login next.



What to do after starting your trial?

  • Update your company profile to include your company's contact information and review your "Match settings." 
    • Your match settings allow myCaribou's recommendation engine to identify partner leads for your company. 
  • Go to Find Partners in the left navigation menu to access our company search. Here, you can search for prospective partners using filters designed for the medtech industry.
    • Tip:  Click the “Matched companies” tab in Find Partners to have myCaribou’s recommendation engine identify prospective partners for you!
  • Book a free consultation with one of our representatives to receive advice about finding partners with myCaribou.