Partners by Performance Dashboard

The Partners by Performance table includes data from all active workspaces with a partner identified in the workspace settings. The following data points are included in the Partners table:

Collaboration Score

  • The Collaboration Score looks at both partner's activity in the workspace and rates the overall collaboration of the partnership in real time. To achieve a high collaboration score, both partners must engage in the workspace on a regular basis. Making use of collaborative tools such as Scorecards, Sales Plans and comments, can increase the collaboration score.

Sales Score

  • The Sales Score displays your sales performance as a percentage of your actual sales over your targeted sales in the active sales plan between you and each partner. 
Target and Actual
  • Target and Actual sales values are pulled from the active sales plan in each partner workspace. Target values refer to your forecasted sales values. Actual values refer to the actual or true sales amount.

Pro tip: Click the ellipsis on the far right of this table to access each partnership's Workspace, Scorecard, or Quarterly Business Review (QBR) summary.

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Please note that you will only be able to navigate to workspaces, from this table, if you are a member of the workspace you are trying to access.

Learn more about dashboards here.