External collaborators

How to add and manage external collaborators

An external collaborator is a user who isn’t explicitly a member of your company but has permission to access shortlists that you add them to. For example, if you are working with a Market Consultant to find partners, you may share your shortlist with that consultant to collaborate with them throughout the partner search, evaluation and outreach process. 

In this article:

Adding external collaborators

  • To add an external collaborator, click on your name or initials in the navigation menu
  • Then click "Company Profile"
  • Navigate to the "Users & Roles" tab

  • Scroll down to "Manage external collaborators" at the bottom of the page. Click "Add" to add a new external collaborator


  • Add the individual's e-mail address in the "Work e-mail" field and click "Add." A pop up will show that the invitation as been successfully sent



  • You will now see the external collaborator you added in the list

Removing an external collaborator

    • To add an external collaborator, click on your name or initials in the navigation menu
    • Then click "Company Profile"
    • Navigate to the "Users & Roles" tab

    • Scroll down to "Manage external collaborators" at the bottom of the page.


    • Find the user you want to remove from the list. Click on the ellipsis at the far right of the page and select "Remove"


    • Confirm the removal and you will see that the user is no longer on your list
